Take Your English to the Next Level 

Learn how to THINK in English!

How it works:

→ 2 mastermind learning calls per week (1 hour each)

→ One call will be "spotlight seats" - where you can bring anything to the table, questions about anything. The other call will be a deep learning round table discussion with breakout rooms.

→ Everything inside English-Everyday is included: daily live speaking lessons, 24/7 live room, community.

→ Private "Slack" workspace where we'll communicate between calls.

Here are just a few of the topics we cover:

Re-engineering Mistakes:
How to view errors as growth opportunities without feeling defeated.
Cultural Insights:
How to deeply connect with English by immersing in its associated cultures.
Mindset Over Vocabulary:
How to prioritize a growth mindset without getting bogged down by endless vocabulary.
The Living Language Living:
How to stay up-to-date with evolving slang and phrases without feeling overwhelmed.
Emotional Connection:
How to enhance memory by attaching emotions to words.
English Thought:
How to process thoughts in English without translating from your native language.
Body Language:
How to convey meaning without uttering a word.
Engage Multiple Senses:
How to learn by engaging sight, sound, and touch without relying solely on reading.
Music and Lyrics:
How to dissect English songs quickly and effortlessly.
Can You Dream in English?:
How to immerse so deeply that you engage your subconscious mind.
How to appreciate the nuances between different English dialects and quickly understand different speakers.
How to understand humor without getting lost in direct translations.
Question the Norm:
How to challenge rules without feeling disrespectful.
Language and Identity:
How to embrace the identity shifts that come with language learning.
Beyond Textbooks:
How to understand real-world English without being confined to books.
Overcome Fear:
How to defeat the fear of mistakes and stop it from hindering your progress.
Thought Patterns:
How to explore the influence of English on your thought processes.
Embrace Technology:
How to leverage technology for result-focused learning.
How to use subtitles to train your ear so you won't need to rely on subtitles.
Presenting and Reading Aloud:
How to improve pronunciation when using a "speaking voice".
How to achieve clarity in speech without obsessing over accents.
Language Exchange:
How to maximize encounters with English speakers who are also learning your native language.
Travel Virtually:
How to experience English-speaking cultures without leaving your home.
How to use and differentiate positive and negative classifications.
Context Over Grammar:
How to identify context and become more fluent than a "perfect grammar speaker".
Language is Personal:
How to personalize your learning journey.
Performance Indicators:
How to track your progress and properly assess your level.
Challenge Assumptions:
How to avoid misunderstandings by avoiding direct translations.
Active vs. Passive Learning:
How to engage actively and get the most out of the time you spend studying.
Feedback is Gold:
How to seek, accept, and interpret feedback without taking it personally.
Dive Deep:
How to understand the deeper meanings of words.
Expressing Emotion:
How to navigate emotional nuances without causing offense.
Avoid Overthinking:
How to communicate effectively by slowing down before you speed up.
Celebrate Wins:
How to use milestones to guide your progress and anchor accomplishments to your present state.
Language Partners:
How to benefit from language partners from other countries.
Engage in Debates:
How to improve critical thinking by taking oppositional stances.
How to craft stories that evoke emotion and open wallets.
Don't Get Lost In Translation:
How to grasp the essence of phrases without getting lost in translation.
Understand Accents:
How to match sounds and expressions from standard English to the speaker in front of you.
Stay Curious:
How to continuously learn and improve without feeling overwhelmed by the vastness of the language.

After you understand how to use regular speaking practice to improve your English speaking skills...

The next level is learning HOW TO THINK IN ENGLISH.

For the last few years, the founder of our company, Christopher Huntley, has been developing a program that specifically helps you think in English.

He noticed that so many students had improved their speaking with English-Everyday, but there was still something holding them back from really taking their English to the next level.

Don't get me wrong - speaking is the most important skill because language is all about communication.

But when you can think in the language, you can express yourself more clearly and more quickly, without translating in your head so much.

First, we used Christopher Huntley's system to teach 10 students from different countries.

Then, we improved and refined the process...

It took us 24 months to really test everything and make sure IT WORKS.

And after many many long days and late nights...

After adapting and trying new methods...

Spending years mastering the most effective systems for helping people become fluent in English very quickly...

Studying this since 2009...

Christopher Huntley and the team at Kris Amerikos have perfected teaching how to think in English.

It's called Level Up. And it's a complete game-changer.

Intermediate and advanced English learners now have a proven system for...

Firstly, becoming fluent in English...

And secondly, being able to think in English.

Can you imagine...?

Your mouth moves automatically because your brain has been trained to analyze and use information differently.

With our first Level Up students we charged $667 per month.

They study directly with our team...

With live calls where Christopher and other teachers explain details and answers questions...

And with a private workspace where they communicate with you between the calls...

If you don't know Christopher, you can find video lessons with him on our YouTube channel or on our website...

And after you've seen him teach...


That he is a world-class expert and true professional when it comes to teaching people how to become fluent in English very quickly.

And in the Level Up program he personally answers questions and helps you to take your English to the next level.

This program will teach you things that you've never thought about before...

Things that new teachers don't even know exists...

And things that experienced teachers are afraid to tell you the truth about...

Level Up is where Christopher Huntley and the Kris Amerikos team share a lifetime of knowledge and experience in a way that will push your English out of your comfort zone and into a cycle of continuous growth.

Now, we understand that $667 per month is out of most students' budgets.

And that makes us sad...

Because we want to help as many people as possible be able to THINK FOR THEMSELVES IN ENGLISH as we possibly can!

So we've decided to make this one-of-a-kind, highly personalized program more accessible for more students around the world...

To be clear...

This is our top program. There is nothing else after this...

It's where you get the very best that we have to offer...

And it's where you get personal time and attention focused on making you the best English speaker you can possibly be.

...and that's more valuable than any course, any training, any lesson, or anything else that you might find.

But, honestly...

Our time is limited...

So we can only work with a handful of students at one time.

And our time... well, it's not cheap.

But because we are dedicated to helping people really be able to communicate in English without any barriers...

And because we believe in our mission here at Kris Amerikos so strongly...

We've agreed to give you (anyone who clicks the link in this email) a 55% discount that you can keep for as long as you stay in the Level Up program.

And when you can think in English...

You can make stronger connections...

Negotiate better deals...

And feel confident and comfortable using English to get the things you want in life.

English is not the final goal...

It's just a tool that helps us do things and get things...

And Level Up is where students come to APPLY ENGLISH and USE ENGLISH to become successful in other areas of their lives.

So, English-Everyday teaches you how to speak English and gives you all the practice you need to become fluent in English quickly.

But Level Up teaches you how to think in English so you can do anything with English and use it in any situation to achieve your goals and get what you really want.

Click the link now because there are limited spots...

Our time is limited...

And this is our highest-level program where we hold nothing back and give you everything we've got.

Thank you for putting your trust in us and giving us this opportunity to proves ourselves to you.

We know you're going to love it and we can't wait to see how fluent your English becomes!

Best wishes,

- The Kris Amerikos team


P.S. We didn't just throw this program together in a day... this is the result of two years of research, practice, studying, and working with students around the world to really find the fastest path to success in English. Try it for a month. It will change your life.

P.P.S. Here's the link to join Level Up. If all the spots are filled, send us an email and we will put you on our waiting list.


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Contact us:

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